
Twilight Buying Guide

by User:lengli @timeAndDate(1265324245) If you haven't heard of ''Twilight'' by now (and haven't already chosen Team Jacob), you might want to check and make sure you haven't been living under a rock for the past several years.  We'll wait.  What's that, no rock in sight?  Well, you might want to get with it, friend. Edward Cullen.

The Story

Twilight is the tale of teenaged every-woman Bella Swan, who, after her mother remarries, goes to stay with her father in the tiny town of Forks, Washington.  There, she meets the Cullens, a group of "vegetarian" vampires who attempt to live normally amongst humans.  However, the scent of Bella's blood is so desirable to the youngest Cullen, Edward, that he almost kills her on the spot.  In an effort to rein in the monster within, he befriends her, and eventually the pair fall in love.  The rest of the stories chronicle the difficulties of a human/vampire love story, and throw in plenty of twists and turns along the way.

The Saga

The Films

Show Your Undying Love

''Twilight'' is a veritable cash cow of merchandise.  Fans will be able to find licensed gear in just about any formatall you need do is look. '''The Essentials''' '''Jewelry''' There is no shortage of themed jewelry in stores right now.  Nordstrom and BP have created a Makeup Guides. '''Clothing'''  In addition to the usual hoodie collection, you will be able to find faithful recreations of some of the outfits worn in the films.  '''Miscellaneous'''  And all of this is only the beginning....  Are you looking for a TwilightWii'>Nintendo Wii! 

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