
Pool Slides

by User:cmelgarejo @timeAndDate(1271172862) So your next door neighborhood has the best of the Pool slides are an awesome addition to any home pool. It's like a water park but without the exorbitant prices and the mediocre food. Invite everyone over, especially the next door neighbor's kids so they can go home and talk up at the dinner table how great a time they had in YOUR backyard and why can't they have a pool as cool? Win.

Inflatable Slides

water slides, so you can have the cool pool without breaking the bank. If it gets ripped or a hole poked through it there's usually a patch that comes with it to repair it, but repeated wear and tear will take its toll, so inflatable slides often have to be replaced every few years. * Toddler inflatable slides have a smaller slope and are specifically designed to be safe and fun for your littlest ones. * Some inflatable slides are built to head right into your own larger pool, to be set up attachment for you hose to keep the slide wet. * Others are complete sets with slides attached to an multiple slides which is great for birthday parties or so you can have an excuse to get in on the action.

Fiberglass Slides

inground pools. They are also of a much higher height than inflatable slides. * For something simple, there are fiberglass water slides with a slight turn in either direction. * There are also slides that twist a complete 360 degrees on the way down into the pool. They are usually higher in price. * Enclosed tube shaped slides are a different experience and add a bit of thrill. * Custom fiberglass slides can be installed into your surrounding decor. You can get really creative, with them jutting out of rocks or look like it's coming out of a cave. If you can think of it, it can be done.

Different Slide Styles

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