
Cat Treats Buying Guide

Cat owners around the world know it doesn't take a lot to please their pets. All they need is love and every so often, tartar control or helping to improve their senses, treats should fit your cat's needs and lifestyle. 

Activity Treats

When it comes to toys, cat owners need items that are fun, engaging, safe, and most importantly, a product that won't bore your pet. After all, we know how fickle these animals can be. That's why you should always ask yourself two questions: 1. Is it interactive? and 2. Does it come with catnip? Being active is essential for cat, and a product that will entertain for a couple of hours means fewer knocked over vases and shredded couch cushions. And remember, try your best to supervise all of your pet's activities.

Food Treats

To humans, treats are treats treats'>nuggets cats go crazy for. Knowing what you give your cats to eat will not only make them happy, but also healthy. When picking out treats, take a minute to read the packaging. Check for the quality of the ingredients, the size for possible choking hazards, how it affects a cat's diet, and of course, calories. Yes, cats need to watch what they eat too.

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